Wearable Tech that will Blow your Mind
Wearable technologies, such smartwatch, smartglasses and wearable fitness devices, are going to change our lives in much the same way that the mobile phones did. The wearable market is expected to grow by a factor of 15x by 2018. There is a good chance that if you own a mobile phone, you’ll also end up owning at least one smart device. Here are a few areas that are going to see some incredible change during the wearable device movement.
The adoption of consumer technology in the healthcare space is paving the way for some very exciting possibilities. Many of the things that would typically only be done in a doctors office, are now at our fingertips. Wearables will redefine how we do things such as checking heart rate, monitor body temperature, tracking physical activity, and measuring sleep quality. The positive impact this will have on our overall health will be tremendous.
There are many additional uses as well, such as caring for Alzheimer patients for example. Smartwatches can track their location and notify their caretaker if they leave a predefined area. It can easily and conveniently provide things like medicine reminders and provide instructions on how to do things when standing next to certain devices or areas.
Accessibility for Disabled Persons
Smart devices can also be a centerpiece for people with disabilities. For someone who is physically disabled, this device could be a way to control things around them such as opening doors as they approach, turning on the TV or stereo, or activating the front door video camera to see who is knocking. Wearable technology can give disabled individuals the reach and convenience they typically would not have otherwise.
Car Insurance
While not something we think about reinventing everyday, this industry is a half a trillion dollars worldwide, which means we need to take notice. Wearables can help solve some of the most costly pieces in that industry – including processing insurance claims. Wearable smartglasses or mobile devices synced with heads-up devices in vehicles could log things such as speed, direction, vehicle position, and where the driver was looking at the time of the accident. This could have a significant cost reduction impact in this massive field for anyone who is willing to provide more transparency in their driving habits.
Law Enforcement
Smart-glasses could provide facial recognition and information on a person as a law enforcement agent is speaking to them in real-time. With increases in frequency of allegations against police officers, having the full interaction recorded could help ensure the protection of citizens and police offers alike. At the end of the day, reducing cost for protect our population and providing a better public service experience is a good for everyone.
Smartwatches are a natural extension to our mobile phones, and they offer some great ways to make communication even more convenient. Instead of texting, smartwatches will have the ability to voice activate and send audio messages. Finally, a safer alternative to texting while driving. The convenience of being able to communicate hands-free through your smartwatch or smartglasses will be a welcome change. When we add this connectivity in our vehicles and homes, this opens a new world of possibilities in how we communicate and consume information during our daily routines.
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