5 Apps to Help You Keep Your NY Resolution
January 17th is the average day when people quit their New Year’s resolution. It’s predicted that four out of five people who have made New Year’s resolutions for 2016 will eventually break them; a third won’t even make it to the end of January. Have you quit? Hold on to your last traces of willpower that are slowly fading away. Don’t quit! Try these apps that just might help you keep yours.
We have tracked down a few of the most popular resolutions made this year and searched around for apps that help you keep those resolutions flowing throughout the year.
1. Staying Fit or Losing Weight
Every gym member in December of 2015 knew this day was coming; the day that all the resolutioners flood the gym come January 2016. But of course, there are many who don’t have the time or spare change for a monthly membership so they result to running outside and turning their living room into a home gym. Staying fit or losing weight is one of the top resolutions made every year, and although it’s an easy decision to make, it’s not always easy to retain. For those who use their kitchen chair as a bench, soup cans as dumbbells, or a towel as a yoga mat — you may find this app quite useful.
The Nike+ Training Club app is free to download and use, and is available through Apple’s App Store and Google Play. There are over 100 workouts available that can be synced up to your performance level; whether it be beginners, intermediate or advanced. Each drill focuses on HIT, yoga, and pilates to push you with audio cues, video guides, and step-by-step images.The best part about this app is that you can set-up a four-week training program to get lean, toned, strong, or focused — and when that month of training is over, go ahead and set-up another four weeks and maybe bump it up to advanced. It’s your personal trainer in the form of an app.
2.Healthier Eating Habits
In line with getting fit, is developing healthier eating habits. Another resolution that is easier said than done. In order to do this right, you need guidelines and helpful tips to steer you away from the tantalizing sweets and treats lurking around every corner.
Try the free Whole Foods Market app available for both iPhone’s and Android devices. The app offers you access to its collection of over 3,700 recipe cards. It features a search option to browse by course, cuisine, special diet, and more. You have the option of going to Whole Foods Market to pick up each ingredient on your shopping list or use the on-hand search to find recipes that call for ingredients you already have in the kitchen.
If you are looking for more guidance, check out the Fooducate app on the App Store and Google Play. Fooducate allows you to track what you eat and your activities to see your progress and achieve your goals.
3. Spend Less, Save More
A few of us have looked back on 2015 and realized how much money was spent on pointless things, money that could have been set aside for that vacation you’ve been wanting to take. Of course, you’ve set out to save more in 2016, but do you have the time to figure out your budget and calculate how much you should be putting away? Probably not… The good news is, there’s an app for that.
The Level Money app is easy to use and designed to automatically update you throughout the day on how much spendable cash you have. So put down those pair of Nike’s you think you absolutely need because it doesn’t fall under the amount of spendable cash available. The app syncs up with your checking or savings account and examines how much remains in your account after deducting what you’ve spent for the day. It then uses that average daily spending to estimate how much you can spend over the next week or month. It’s time to save, save, save!
4. Travel the Globe
Maybe you want to visit grandma more in Florida this year, explore the serene beaches of Hawaii, or cruise around Europe with a group of friends. Whatever your plans may be for 2016, you can find deals, book your flights and hotels, get help packing your bags, and get out of town with an array of apps.
TripAdvisor app is free for your iPhone, iPad, or Android. TripAdvisor is your best bet in finding the brutally honest reviews of hotels, restaurants, attractions and more. But, on the flip side, TripAdvisor creates a handy, crowdsourced list of the city’s must-see attractions
Localeur is a great app for those off trailers and adventure seekers. The app solicits advice from actual locals with travel tips. Another app to check out is Airbnb; no hotel booking site can match the sheer diversity of Airbnb’s selection. Rental options range from castles to vans, yurts to watchtowers, and an ever-growing supply of apartments, rooms, and sofas to accommodate just about anyone’s budget.
5. Become More Spiritually Connected
Have you lost touch with your spiritual connection with God? Or has the importance of your religion slowly seeped behind other activities? Or maybe you can’t find the time to set aside? There are plenty of apps in the app market to help you get back on track or to even get you started! Apps like ConZentrate, Meditation Helper, My Life Organized, Teo Te Ching, or Life.Church all have certain personalities that may match what you’re looking for.
The Life.Church app, created by yours truly, is available on Google Play and the App Store. We teamed up with Life.Church to develop an app to allow users to take their church with them anywhere they go. The app features the latest message, in-app donations, the closest Life.Church location, and allows you to invite friends. Even more, this app is also available on your Apple TV. You can now experience church on the go in your own living room at any time that is convenient for you!
We all know that making New Year’s resolutions are easy, but actually sticking to them… well, that’s something else. Luckily, there are plenty of downloadable apps to help you maintain your goal. We hope that the list of apps above has either got you back on track or inspired you to prevail the odds of quitting your resolution. Don’t quit! Download these apps — feel free to share any apps you swear by to motivate others.
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