Tips on Responding to Negative App Reviews

Tips on Responding to Negative App Reviews

Negative app reviews don’t need to worry you if you have the right response strategy in place. To help you manage the inevitable negative reviews and boost your ratings by giving your users a voice, here are a few tips to try.

In an age where praising or criticizing an app is just one click away, negative reviews from a dissatisfied user might be discouraging and prominently displayed for all to see. However, don’t attempt to delete a negative review, as that will make your app business look guilty and defensive. Do not ignore it either. The best thing to do is try to find out what the user didn’t like about your app product, apologize and offer a plan of action.

View the negative reviews as feedback. When users take the time to leave a review, they’re investing in your app. They are giving you the information you need to keep their business and improve your user experience. Recognize the criticism as not personal. Remain objective when receiving feedback and avoid becoming defensive.

Diffuse the tension by recognizing the validity of the user’s reviews. If an unhappy user takes the time to share their thoughts, it’s important to show that you appreciate their them, even if you disagree. Show them you want to fix the issue and not lose them as a customer.

If users want new features, work with them to identify the features that will add the most value. If they complain about bugs, prioritize your next update around those complaints. Use negative reviews to your advantage to build a superior product.

Robert Patrick

[email protected]

Founder & Chief Architect Robert ("The One") started writing software at 12 years old, and founded PhD in the 1990′s at the age of 18. His philosophy is that working hard/playing hard, honesty and pursuing your true passion will lead to success and happiness.

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