“Social Media Day” #SMDay
While in reality every day is considered social media day; Mashable launched Social Media Day in 2010 as a way to recognize and celebrate social media’s impact on global communication. From the epic celebrity, Twitter wars to Kim Kardashian’s ridiculous Snapchat, social media has made its rounds.
Today, June 30th marks the seventh-annual official global celebration. If you’re ever going to post something for the world to see, today’s the day! You definitely don’t lack the resources on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, YouTube and hundreds of other avenues.
The average person has five social media accounts and spends around 1 hour and 40 minutes browsing these networks every day. Outrageous, maybe, but if your company hasn’t grabbed a hold of that demand then you are surely missing out.
Social media is reinventing how business is done today. The use of it is growing at a whopping rate. There is no denying the power of social media and the impact that it can have on the business of marketing. Many social media websites represent a huge opportunity for businesses to grab the attention of customers while simultaneously building a brand image.
On top of everyone and your grandma having a Facebook profile, now companies within every industry have created a Facebook page for you to follow, including a few other social pages to stay tuned. Social media platforms provide the perfect opportunity to take advantage of word of mouth. People are connected on a global scale now more than ever.
Millions of people review products and services directly via social media sites more so than they spend the time to read a magazine, newspaper, listen to radio ads or even watch a commercial. We are more likely to trust what our peers are sharing/liking on Facebook. Social media has proved to have a larger impact on business, marketing and on how businesses engage with their target market. So it would be wise for any business to develop and implement a sustainable social media strategy in order to successfully take advantage of its rapid growth.
We are constantly updating our blog to keep our followers engaged and informed, we post fun and nerdy pictures to our Instagram, and you can find the latest news on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. We love social media! #SMDay
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