Gain Traction in the User Driven App Market

Gain Traction in the User Driven App Market

Apps are quickly becoming imperative to your brand – regardless of the product or service you provide, or the problem you are solving, apps have become a necessity.  In order to make apps a part of your long-term growth strategies, you must evolve these based on users’ behaviors.

Every business needs an app. Plain and simple. The industry is HUGE right now. The number of devices that service apps alone, have grown substantially. However, the major proportion of the industry’s usage are still focused among the top 200 apps. Localytics found that 20 percent of apps are used only once.

As the app gains traction refine the app experience based on user behavior.

Behavioral patterns offer real-time customer feedback. Find out which areas draw the most attention and which inspire people to use the app. Invest in the areas that generate the most significant engagement and ROI.

App businesses can’t rest on their achievements. You need to constantly iterate on your app to retain users. Keep tracking feedback from users and use it to build or perfect features within your MVP. Launching sporadic updates or announcing minor tweaks once a quarter isn’t enough. Even if it’s just one key upgrade that aligns with users’ expectations, release it! Your users are expecting you to come up with something that keeps them interested.

App businesses that know how and when customers use their apps can formulate campaigns based on their audiences’ needs. As a result, users will be thrilled by the personalized experiences and become increasingly reliant on the app.

Robert Patrick

[email protected]

Founder & Chief Architect Robert ("The One") started writing software at 12 years old, and founded PhD in the 1990′s at the age of 18. His philosophy is that working hard/playing hard, honesty and pursuing your true passion will lead to success and happiness.

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