Top 3 Apps to Help You Stick to Your Resolution
Today is “National Stick to Your Resolution Day,” fitting seeing as January 17th is the average day when people ditch their New Year’s Resolutions. Yes, we know coming back from the holidays can be a challenge but don’t become part of the average, stick to the goals you’ve set for yourself. Stand out this year! Here are three apps to help you keep that resolution strong throughout the year.
Get your sh*t together this year with IFITT (If This Then That). An app that connects almost 300 other apps in one place, including Spotify, Instagram, Google Drive and FitBit. And that’s all you need… But seriously, why haven’t you downloaded this app already? IFITT notifies you when your favorite topics are being talked about, syncs files across cloud platforms, catalogs emails, tracks gym visits and so much more. It’s not easy staying on top of all your to-dos but luckily, there’s an app that basically organizes everything for you in a one-stop shop.
Available for iOS & Android
2. 24 Me
What better way to get a grip on your busy life than downloading your very own personal assistant? 24 Me is a smart and automatic task handler that can do almost everything you’d want an assistant to do. Your calendar, to-do lists, personal accounts, and notes are centralized in one place. Furthermore, your daily errands are completed by one tap. Set the app up to pay your bills, send gifts to friends, receive billing, events, and finally remember everyone’s birthday. 24 Me will even go as far as letting you know what time to leave for your meeting based on traffic time.
Available for iOS & Android
3. Pocket
Pinterest is great for when you want to save an abundance of awesome DIY crafts, natural remedies, places to go, and what have you, but how often do you go back to look at what you’ve pinned? Pocket is a great tool for the resolution minded because it allows you to save any articles, videos or links to the app and check them out later. If you’re looking to lose weight or maybe learn a new language this year, you can begin building up a database that can be viewed across all your devices. Pocket provides a unique reading experience that’s customizable based on your reading style and receive personalized new content for you to discover. Pocket can even read aloud to you with its text-to-speech feature.
Available for iOS & Android
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