Social Media Marketing for Startups
Social media is perceived as one of the most effective marketing tools among business leaders, and startups looking to grow. It isn’t just an inexpensive way to build brand awareness, it’s also incredibly effective.
All marketing comes back to the plan. First, is there a plan? If not, now’s the time to create one. Next, is the plan working? If not, let’s fix it.
It’s an easy point of entry and low-cost basis, but a lot of time and effort are required to create a successful campaign.
Networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Snapchat are the perfect opportunity to reach different segments of your target audience in an organic way. It’s a way to focus your messaging based on which people are looking for which types of information at any given moment. It would be an absolute shame not to take full advantage of it.
Along the same lines, it’s important to understand that timing is everything. The world now moves faster than ever, so it’s important to pay attention to which topics are generating a lot of news coverage and which issues are currently trending on places like Facebook or Twitter and capitalize on them whenever possible.
If you do it right, you can take a bland, yet popular, news story and turn it into a brand awareness and recognition win for your startup.
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