Avoiding Pitfalls When Growing Your App Business

Avoiding Pitfalls When Growing Your App Business

It’s exciting once you begin to see signs of growth in your app business. However, too often do we begin to lose focus on the goals we’ve set to continue that growth and run into our fair share of pitfalls. Making it through the startup phase is just step one – stay on track!

A few of the major pitfalls are the lack of goals, insufficient funds, internal conflict, and competitors. It’s crucial that you have clear goals set and take decision making seriously to successfully get to the next phase. Ambiguous goals are never a sustainable option. Take the time to write it down! Don’t just have one ultimate goal – that’s how you get off track. Break down how you are going to reach your goals and set objectives.

Let’s say you want 1,000 downloads by the end of the month. How do you get those users? How will you reach them? Keep your goals small and more realistic.

Insufficient funds can put a hold on your growth completely. It’s important to assess your financial state and delegate your funds wisely. Don’t underestimate the amount of funding needed for your startup’s growth. Acquiring funding is not meant to just start the company but to sustain progression, as well. Don’t rely on making loads of money from users soon after you launch. It takes time and quite frankly more of your own money to market the app and so forth. Have a strong grasp on your assets on a regular basis and keep an eye on their performance.

Always focus on the customer. It’s not uncommon for growing app businesses to get caught up in profits and internal affairs that they forget what matters most: the customer. One of the biggest differences between a successful business and an underperforming one is how you treat your users.

Growing your startup is an ongoing investment in terms of money, knowledge, work, and expertise. Not to mention, it is a never-ending learning process. You will no doubt come across a few pitfalls along your journey, but what defines your business is how you prepare yourself and handle such pitfalls.

Robert Patrick

[email protected]

Founder & Chief Architect Robert ("The One") started writing software at 12 years old, and founded PhD in the 1990′s at the age of 18. His philosophy is that working hard/playing hard, honesty and pursuing your true passion will lead to success and happiness.

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